If you're a coach selling online or looking to monetize your expertise, it is pretty much a law of business that your revenue is directly related to the size of your audience.
It's basic math: bigger audience x same spend per customer = more money.
Unfortunately the math runs in reverse too; no matter how great your product is, no matter how valuable your message is, if you don't have the audience to match, you're going to make nothing.
You need a formulaic way of reaching your audience, grabbing their attention, connecting with them in a meaningful way, and converting them into customers.
Social Animal is your paint by numbers guide to doing just that. Inside, over 14 mini modules we'll show you the exact formula we used to grow:
- Strength Coach Network to 30,000 IG followers
- Half a million views on YouTube
- Rugby Strength Coach to 35,000 on Facebook
- Keir's personal page to 45,000 IG followers
Keep reading to learn how you can do the same...